Winterizing Procedure
The following information is provided as advice only. We have done our best to provide you with accurate information on the procedure, however we will not be held responsible for the proper winterization of your trailer unless done by one of our own technicians.
If you would like to leave it to the professionals, winterizing specials are now on! Call our RV Service Department today to book your appointment at 519-653-5788.
The Supplies you will need:
Generally 2-3 bottles of non-toxic antifreeze per 20 – 24ft unit.
Bypass system for the water heater
Auxiliary line to connect to water pump to bring the antifreeze into the system.
Pencil with a rubber tip or equivalent.
Winterizing your trailer water system means removing all of the water from the water system and replacing it with non-toxic antifreeze.
First – ensure your waste water holding tanks have been emptied and cleaned.
Secondly – remove as much fresh water from the system as you can by draining it. To drain it we suggest:
Drain the fresh water tank (it should have a drain valve on it)
Drain the hot water tank – by removing the drain plug found on the water heater face outside
Open the low point drain valves – usually found under the trailer. (hot and cold)
Open all faucets (hot and cold) and allow the water out.
While these items are draining – you can begin to prepare the water heater. The water heater should be drained of water back in step 2. You now need to bypass the hot water heater, so that 6 gallons of antifreeze are not put into it, and so the antifreeze does not come out the open drain plug. Bypass your water heater by going to the back of the water heater on the inside of the trailer. You will see a cold water line going in the bottom of the tank and a hot water line coming out the top of the tank. These two lines should be connected together with bypass valves. If this is not here it is recommended you purchase one. (most trailers come with it these days)
After bypassing the water heater – return to all faucets and drain valves that we previously opened and close them. Leaving out the water heater drain plug only.
Now we can add antifreeze to the water lines, and if you have a water pump this is the easiest way to do it.
Water pump: go the water pump – and disconnect the line bringing water to the pump. We sell a line to put onto the inlet side of the pump – that will go into your bottle of antifreeze. Connect this line to the inlet side of the pump. Now you can go to each faucet and open the hot and cold side just until antifreeze comes out. Don’t forget, toilet, low point drain valves, outside shower, outside kitchen, etc.
It is also important to get antifreeze into the city water line that is connected to your city water hookup. To do this, we recommend that you shut off the water pump, open a faucet for a split second to remove the pressure in the line. You then go to the city water fill on the outside, and with a rubber ended pencil or equivalent, push in on the centre spring of the check valve. Water and then antifreeze should come out here. If it does not, turn the pump on to pump it out. (The purpose of turning off the pump and opening the faucet for a split second is to avoid damaging the city water check valve when pushed in.)
After the city water check valve is complete, double check that you have not missed any faucets.
IF you do not have a water pump in your unit – you will need a hand pump kit sold in our store. You will need to hand pump the antifreeze into the lines through a faucet or the city water fill.
When complete, disconnect the temporary line attached to the water pump and re-connect the line from the fresh water tank.
Put 1 cup of antifreeze into all drains. This will help keep the seals conditioned and the odours down. You do not need to worry about some antifreeze getting into your holding tanks.
If you have a black water tank flush kit – you will need to get antifreeze into this line as well, by hand pumping antifreeze into it. WE sell a hand pump kit if needed.
Leave antifreeze in the toilet bowl, it seals out odours and the keeps the seals conditioned.
Leave the drain plug for your water heater in the kitchen sink and do not re-install it until you have de-winterized in the spring.
Left over antifreeze will not go bad – it will save till next year. But do not re-use antifreeze.
Always keep gate valves closed and termination cap on, so that animals do not get into the tanks and nest.
In the Spring:
Flush antifreeze out by hooking up water to trailer and opening faucets till antifreeze is gone. All faucets, toilets, showers, etc.
After the antifreeze is flushed out, put drain plug back in water heater, and un-bypass the water heater. When you properly un-bypass the water heater – if your still hooked up to city water – you should hear the water heater tank fill.
You should now be ready to use the water system as normal.